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Results for: Emotional Self Hostage in the Redemptive

What You Need To Know About Redemptive Self

Our redemptive self is a very important and intrinsic part of our existence. It is our power tool to overcome all possible odds and strive for success in life. There have been several psychologists and philosophers who have observed the procedure of redemptive self in an individual. There have been philosophers who have closely examined the case of several successful people who have made it big in their life by overcoming all major obstacles in life and carving out a separate niche for themselves in society.

These are generally the kind of people who gradually become role models for other people while striving hard to overcome all the adversities in their life. Such people usually have a history of facing overwhelming odds to realize their dreams.

Our redemptive self is a god-given gift, which has been given so that we may realize its potential and use it to move forward in life. In short, this is our power to bring redemption to something we felt we have done wrong by asking our higher power for forgiveness. It is our strength of mind and character if you will and right to seek counsel and forgiveness.

Our redemptive self allows us to divide our life into certain chapters and study each phase of our life accordingly. This observation helps us to realize life-turning events, which have given our life a new lease or new sense of direction. Remembering past challenges and tracking down the ways through which we overcame them helps us to acknowledge our hidden strengths. Each person, which had an important part to play in the story of our lives, also influence our thought processes immensely. Some people may leave a very positive impression on us and inspire us to achieve higher goals in life. While some others may actually prove detrimental for our spiritual growth and leaving, we disillusioned with our lives. Such people should be avoided at all costs, which are nothing but obstacles in our path to further progress in life.

Our redemptive self is there to help us walk out of difficult situations in our life as a winner instead of whining over them. Redemptive self is most important kind of self help, which is available with any individual. Redemptive self is responsible for making us realize our ill habits, shortcomings and addictions if any. It also helps us to tread on the path of detoxification of body, mind and soul. Our inner self is very strong. An individual simply needs to work on building a better relationship with himself in order to become more self confident.

Our inner self is inexplicably connected to our soul and spiritual self. The aura of our inner self is everywhere around us. One simply needs to realize its presence inside and outside them. An individual who lives in perfect harmony with himself is usually able to foster better relationships with his family, friends and the world at large.

Most people who have faced some severe trauma in the past which has affected their life in the past often come out of it being more enriched and experienced individuals. This possibly happens because they are able to relate to their redemptive self during this troubled phase in their life, which helps them to realize their inner strengths and use them wisely to get out of sticky situations in life.

In several cases, people are often surprised by their own inner strength and capabilities to endure pains and troubles. Several people are of the view that their worst fears turned out to be much less traumatic than they had ever anticipated when faced boldly.